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Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Act

In accordance with the Illinois law, the Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Act (IGP 59.1), Illinois Central College will provide students with the option to authorize in writing that a designated person, defined as a parent, guardian, or adult over the age of 18, be contacted by a psychologist, counselor, or other qualified examiner employed by Illinois Central College during a mental health emergency. This is an optional form that students can complete but are not required to complete. Students that are interested in completing the Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health form or updating this form can access it on the Student Services website at:

Policy Statement on Sexual Assault

Illinois Central College will not tolerate sexual assault against students, staff, faculty, or visitors. Internal complaints of sexual assaults filed against students will be investigated pursuant to procedures established by the College and appropriate disciplinary action taken as determined by the college judicial system.

In an ongoing effort to prevent sexual assaults, and in addition to providing various security measures, the College is committed to making available, through a variety of channels, relevant educational information and programs. It is College policy to comply with all applicable federal and state statutes for reporting and publishing sexual assault statistics.

For additional information, students may access the Title IX/Sexual Misconduct page at

For Board of Trustees policy information access at

Policy Statement on Domestic or Dating Violence and Stalking

Illinois Central College will not tolerate domestic or dating violence and stalking against students, staff, faculty, or visitors. Internal complaints of domestic or dating violence and stalking filed against students will be investigated pursuant to procedures established by the College and appropriate disciplinary action taken as determined by the College judicial system.

In an on-going effort to prevent domestic or dating violence and stalking, and in addition to providing various security measures, the College is committed to making available, through a variety of channels, relevant educational information and programs. It is College policy to comply with all applicable federal and state statutes for reporting and publishing domestic or dating violence and stalking statistics.

These policies are intended to comply with relevant parts of the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, as amended, 20 USC 1092(f), and the implementing federal regulations, 34. CFR 668.47(a)(12). It is also intended to comply with the federal Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 as amended. These policy statements and supporting procedures may be amended by the College as necessary to conform to future changes in state and federal law. The full procedures and other relevant information can be found at

For additional information, students may access the Title IX/Sexual Misconduct page at

For Board of Trustees policy information access at

Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)

The Illinois Central College Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) is a team of professional faculty, staff, and community representatives from the Center for Prevention of Abuse that are trained and prepared to assist students who are survivors of an on-campus sexual assault. This team will provide survivors with information and resources in order to assist the student in making informed decisions regarding the sexual assault incident. SART members will also be instrumental in ensuring that Illinois Central College is in compliance with Title IX and the Illinois Law – Preventing Sexual Violence in Higher Education Act. More information on the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) can be found by clicking Internal Resources and Education at

For more information about ICC Student Life and Student Services refer to the ICC Student Rights and Responsibilities Student Handbook.